Today 11.11.2020 released a new update BrawlStars with major changes. Added season 4 Bravl Pass in which there will be a new Fighter, Lou, new skins and much more interesting.
What was added to Brawlstars 31.81
- Season 4 Brawl Pass-Fun holidays
- 70 levels of content
- Lou’s new chromatic brawler
- Exclusive skins: Bellhop Mike and king Lou
- Skins Nani Piper and max.
- Major Map Maker updates!
New fighter-Lou.
Lou is a fun snow cone that is always fun. He’s so positive that it annoys the hell out of Mr. P.
The main attack-shoots snow cones, which impose the effect of Frost. When the target has accumulated enough ice, it will be stunned for 1 second.
Superpower-throws syrup from snow cones, which creates a slippery surface on the ground.
Gadget-Lu freezes, becoming invulnerable and unable to perform any actions for 1 second.
Star power-the super Realm applies frost to enemies.
New skin:
King Lou (Brawl Pass, Level 70)
Porter Mike (Brawl Pass, level 1)
Sally Nani (LINE FRIENDS) | 150 gems-end of November
Choco Piper (LINE FRIENDS) | 80 gems – December
Kony Max (LINE FRIENDS) | 150 gems – December
Other skin and character improvements:
8-Bit face animation Update
improved visual effects for silver / gold skins
Now they have a BLING effect!
DOWNLOAD Brawlstars 31.81 – the LATEST VERSION
DOWNLOAD BRAWL STARS 31.81 – Direct link
DOWNLOAD BRAWL STARS 31.81 – Mediafire link
LOU and new skins will appear with the start of season 4 of BRAWL PASS!!!